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Mushroom Hunting 2018

I took a couple years off from morel mushroom hunting due to many deaths in the family but I'm back to it this year.  I went looking on May 5th to my usual spot and it looked like the middle of April out there.  Leaves are just starting to come out and in a forest that usually has peasant backs where ever you look, this only had a small patch in a sport that never fails.  I left them alone but took a few photos which I posted below.  I also found a shelter made of logs that must have had tarps over it since I found a few bungee cords that god left behind around

Lake Aquaponics Experiment

This year I attempted to grow plants on a floating raft on our lake in central Wisconsin.  I've been meaning to try it for about 5 years now and finally got around to getting the plants started and built a raft.  There are loads of fish near the shore so I figure there's plenty of nutrients in there.  On my first attempt a muskrat destroyed the raft by climbing on it.  He really broke the thing up.  On my second attempt I built a thicker raft and tied it to the pier.  This worked but the water level of the lake dropped several inches and left the raft exposed f

Saving Bean seeds for 2016

bean harvest

I let a patch of beans go on the plants to full maturity and let them dry on the plants.  I just picked these yesterday from my Illinois bean patch which has 140 green bean plants.  I have about 100 plants in my Wisconsin garden.

Testing out Bobbex Deer Repellent

Too Big To Clone? Here Are The Results

Cherokee Purple Tomato Clones

I took clippings of some extra large suckers off of my Cherokee Purple tomato plants to see if I could get 3 nice size plants off of one.

Relics I Find While Mushroom Hunting

A few of the forests that I hunt mushrooms in used to be farms and I find all sorts of relics that are kind of interesting so I take them home and clean them up.  They are my mushroom hunting trophies cheeky.  Most of the glass bottles or jars are broken so I leave them behind.  One unusual one I found that broken was a glass Windex bottle.  Yes, once upon a time we used glass instead of plastic.  When you are mushroom hun

Found my first morel mushroom of 2015

I went out hunting yesterday with my daughter and just as I finished explaining what a morel looks like we found one.  That was the only one we found after about 45 minutes of wandering the woods.  Today is cloning day!

morel mushroom hunting

Strange Sound While Mushroom Hunting

What could it be??

My Second Day Out Mushroom Hunting

I was able to get out to my old mushroom hunting site and was surprised to see it was a little behind my new site as far as mushroom progress.  It could have something to do with temperature since the site is in a low lying area with huge trees.  Anyway I did find dryad's saddle mushrooms just beginning to pop out and too some photos.  The trees are so twisted and old that they make for cool photos.  In a few weeks you won't be able to see as far across the forest due to the leaves.

My First Mushroom Finds For 2015

I was out at this spot 10 days ago and there was nothing.  It was still too early.  I returned yesterday and found some nice dryad's saddle mushrooms.  This is the size you want them or they get too tough.  One quick way to identify them is that they look like a pheasant in color which is also why they are called pheasant backs.mushroom hunting


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