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My Grow Bag Experiment

This year I decided to try out grow bags on my driveway.  I tried both 1 gallon and 5 gallon bags.  I wasn't sure what I could grow in 1 gallon so I thought peppers would fit about right.  I was correct, the peppers did excellent.  In the 5 gallon I tried watermelon and tomatoes.  The watermelon really didn't grow to long but both plants produced a regular size fruit.  The variety I tried is called Blacktail Mountain.  As for the tomatoes I tried 4 varieties.  Those are Hoy, Burpee Beefstake, Chocolate Cherry, and Tommy Toes.  While they produced many tomatoes, the plants did not grow nearly as tall as the same varieties that were planted in the ground.  I'm guessing they became root bound in the bags.  I'll know when I dump out the dirt at the end of the season and update.  Below is a video of my results.


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