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Ocean Solution Natural Fertilizer Review


I recently made a new video updating the construction of the Rain Tower hydroponic system and took the opportunity to review Ocean Solution fertilizer at the same time.  Ocean Solution is an all natural fertilizer and is made from harvested deep water ocean minerals.  The bottle they sent me to test out is Ocean Solution 2-0-3 and is meant to be used to supplement your current fertilizer.  I ran the test on hydroponic lettuce in the Rain Tower system.  I normally use just MaxiGro hydroponic nutrient at 400-500 PPM.  For the test I ran the MaxiGro at 350 PPM and brought it up to 650 PPM with Ocean Solution.  Lettuce isn't very demanding and does great at a low PPM.

TDS Meter

This is the exact TDS meter (total dissolved solids) that I use.

They are only about $15 on Amazon.


Ocean Solution contains 90 different elements while most fertilizers only contain 15 or so.  This greatly benefits the plants as they can take up whatever they need making the plant healthier, stronger, and more disease/bug resistant

Another benefit of Ocean Solution is that it increases the vitamin levels in vegetables.  Kennesaw State University did an analysis of store bought vegetables compared to vegetables grown with Ocean Solution.  See the chart below for the results.



I purchased some lettuce from the store to compare it to.  The first thing I noticed is that there was a huge difference in color.  The store bought lettuce was a pale green and the lettuce grown with Ocean Solution was a dark green.  Then I did the taste test.  The Ocean Solution lettuce had a stronger taste over the store bought lettuce and was much more desirable.  After I posted the video on YouTube one of the viewers commented that he also uses Ocean Solution and said that there is a noticeable increase in taste.

Since I grew the lettuce I just started to use it on my strawberries.  For this I mixed 1 oz of Ocean Solution to 1 gallon of water.  Here are my strawberry plants....can't wait to try them!

They have a few other versions of Ocean Solution available for different application on their website.  If you'd like to give Ocean Solution a try, you can enter the discount code "tomorrowsgarden" at checkout and get 10% off of your order. You can also buy it on Amazon but you'll not be able to use the coupon code.


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